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Trisha Hart

I always have a slew of business ideas brewing in the back of my mind and I find myself dreaming all the time about how successful I would be if I could ever launch one of those businesses. It seems clear to me now, at the ripe age of 50, that I have an entrepreneurial thirst and I just don’t know how to quench it! Seems simple enough to solve, right? But it is not.

Because I’m basically pragmatic, I haven’t just jumped into pursuing any of my ideas. The thought of spending money to launch a business, much less leaving my steady job and income, is utterly terrifying to me. It’s a constant conflict and I cannot seem to resolve it. Every day I go to work and dread my job more and more. I desperately want that freedom of pursuing my own thing, calling my own shots, organizing my own day, deciding how hard I want to work, and being in charge of how much money I can make. It gnaws at me incessantly.

There are boatloads of other women out there that have taken the plunge and started their own businesses. I am so envious! And scared. Why can’t I do the same? I have this dialogue with myself all the time. As I think through those fears, I start asking questions. Again, the pragmatic me must have more information due to being afraid of making a mistake. And I don’t know where to get the answers to all my questions!!!

I finally started sharing these thoughts and dreams with a close friend. I thought for sure she would roll her eyes and tell me to drink another glass of wine. BUT SHE DIDN’T! She’s one of my dearest friends so I felt safe in confiding, and I realize now why we are kindred spirits. She listened intently to my ideas and my desire to pursue a business. She listened with interest and without judgment. She knows me well and understands my abilities and my limitations. Being able to pour out my dreams and concerns and struggles to her has been….well, almost life-changing.

The best part is that she has agreed to keep listening as I work through my struggles of fear and questions. I instinctively know this is a critical step to pursuing what could be the biggest, boldest, and most exciting chapter of my life! And my dear friend is encouraging me to go get the answers to those questions. Even better, she’s giving me suggestions on where to get the answers!

Hi, I’m Trisha Hart and thank you for reading my blog post! I love to write and have found this outlet as one of those important steps to continually transforming my life – which isn’t a bad step BTW – into the life I want it to be every day. We only have so much time on this earth, right? So I’m facing my fears one step at a time, and putting it out there for the world to respond. Good, bad, or ugly, facing my fears signals to me that I’m finally ready to start pursuing my dreams.

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